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Re: Unique Primary Key Linked to Multiple Accounts

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On 11/13/23 08:45, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 11/12/23 23:02, Anthony Apollis wrote:
Please advice. I brought in data from SAP and assigned unique primary key to the table:
I joined it with a dimension table.

Joining code

ONfact."Account_Number"=bracs_map."GCoA"ANDfact."Expense_Type"=bracs_map."EXPENSE FLAG"

It is joined on the Account numbers, which appears in the table multiple times. Problem is the Unique Primary Key is then mapped to these Account numbers multiple times.
This is not a problem it is the nature of the table definitions and the 
query. The PK is "ZTBR_TransactionCode", but you are joining on 
fact."Account_Number"=bracs_map."GCoA"ANDfact."Expense_Type"=bracs_map."EXPENSE FLAG". Since you indicate that there are multiple account numbers in the table then it is no surprise that the "ZTBR_TransactionCode" is repeated.
Aah, that should be '... multiple repeated account numbers in the table ...'

Please advice.

Adrian Klaver

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