Hello, I am new to PostgreSQL and having to migrate a Cassandra cluster to PostgreSQL. Have a reasonable amount of experience with MySQL and use Master -> Master MySQL replication quite successfully. I am trying to understand what configuration/option to pick for PostgreSQL that will provide the same or similar level of operational easy as the Cassandra cluster. What I mean by that is : Backups, Patching (rebooting nodes to patch) With Cassandra any single node can be patched and rebooting without incurring downtime. This is also true with MySQL master->master replication, which we have fronted by a HAproxy reverse proxy (we can fail over between the two MySQL node,
draining the connections as we do so and then patching and reboot). I have found the following documentation: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/different-replication-solutions.html and have heard of “Traktor”, “pgEdge” and some other third-party tools.
My difficulty is that with very little knowledge of PostgreSQL I am having a hard time sorting through the various options and determining which are potential candidates for the kind of setup I am looking for (something approximating MySQL
master->master replication). Any advice or resources would be much appreciated. Regards Jason Grammenos Jason Grammenos | Operations & Infrastructure Analyst Learn new PR tips from our free
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