Hi, Is it intended that indexes are not pushed down to union all subqueries if even a single select contains a where clause? Is this just not implemented, is it impossible to implement or am I doing something wrong? The following query does a SeqScan for "bikes" and "cars" tables even though IndexScan on their column "dealer_name" would be a magnitude faster. (Schema with sample data at the bottom of this mail) WITH targets as ( select 'bike' vehicle, id, dealer_name FROM bikes WHERE frame_size = 52 union all select 'car' vehicle, id, dealer_name FROM cars -- In the real use case I have here dozens of tables ) SELECT dealers.name dealer, targets.vehicle, targets.id FROM dealers JOIN targets ON dealers.name = targets.dealer_name WHERE dealers.id in (54,12,456,315,468) If the WHERE clause from the "bikes" subquery is removed then first Index Scan on dealers_pk is made and then Bitmap Index Scans on "bikes" and "cars" table using indexes on "dealer_name" columns. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Available also at: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/cEXt8HXSaQzsQ2yBDA2Z4H/7 CREATE TABLE dealers AS SELECT id, (SELECT string_agg(CHR(65+(random() * 25)::integer), '') FROM generate_series(1, 4) WHERE id>0) name FROM generate_series(1, 1000) AS id ; ALTER TABLE dealers ADD primary key (id); CREATE INDEX ON dealers(name); CREATE TABLE bikes AS SELECT generate_series AS id, (SELECT name FROM dealers WHERE dealers.id = (SELECT (random()*1000)::int WHERE generate_series>0)) AS dealer_name, (random()*12+50)::int as frame_size FROM generate_series(1, 100000); ALTER TABLE bikes ADD primary key (id); CREATE INDEX ON bikes(dealer_name); CREATE TABLE cars AS SELECT generate_series as id, (SELECT name FROM dealers WHERE dealers.id = (SELECT (random()*1000)::int WHERE generate_series>0)) AS dealer_name, (random()*7+14)::int as wheel_size FROM generate_series(1, 100000); ALTER TABLE cars ADD primary key (id); CREATE INDEX ON cars(dealer_name); ANALYZE; -- - Lauri
both tables must be fully checked/matched (check using
EXPLAIN ANALYSIS -> HashJoin), so the index cannot be
used here.
regards, marian wendt
regards, marian wendt