On 9/18/23 12:45, Johnson, Bruce E - (bjohnson) wrote:
I am doing some testing trying to migrate some websites from using
Oracle to Postgres. (Using Perl DBI and DBD::Pg as the connecting
(Server Environment Postgres 15 running on Ubuntu 22.04, client Rocky
Linux using the supplied PostgreSQL DBI and DBD::Pg packages)
The error I am getting on the client is:
password authentication failed for user "trav"
connection to server at "dhbpostgres.pharmacy.arizona.edu"
(, port 5432 failed: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for
host "", user "trav", database "webdata", no encryption
But I do have an entry that should allow it:
#Internal server mgmt range
hostsslallall10.128.206.0/23 password
I guessing you want that to be:
Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group
Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs
Adrian Klaver