On 9/7/23 23:29, Les wrote:
I'm trying to migrate a database from version 11 to version 15.
I have created a dump file on v11:
pg_dump --dbname=not_telling -Fc --no-owner > dump
--no-owner is ignored for non-text outputs. It is handled on the
pg_restore end.
Then I was trying to import it on v15:
pg_restore -v --dbname=not_telling --no-user /restore/dump
I'm guessing it was actually --no-owner not --no-user?
pg_restore: error: could not read from input file: end of file
> dump
pointing at the same thing?
Was the dump file transferred from one location to another?
If so how?
Is the custom dump format of v11 compatible with v15?
Yes it is.
"Because pg_dump is used to transfer data to newer versions of
PostgreSQL, the output of pg_dump can be expected to load into
PostgreSQL server versions newer than pg_dump's version. pg_dump can
also dump from PostgreSQL servers older than its own version.
(Currently, servers back to version 9.2 are supported.) However, pg_dump
cannot dump from PostgreSQL servers newer than its own major version; it
will refuse to even try, rather than risk making an invalid dump. Also,
it is not guaranteed that pg_dump's output can be loaded into a server
of an older major version — not even if the dump was taken from a server
of that version. Loading a dump file into an older server may require
manual editing of the dump file to remove syntax not understood by the
older server. Use of the --quote-all-identifiers option is recommended
in cross-version cases, as it can prevent problems arising from varying
reserved-word lists in different PostgreSQL versions."
Thank you,
Adrian Klaver