I have searched the net in an attempt to find if others have had
and resolved this challenge, but most of the sites talk about how,
when using the psql, this error arises. In my case, the error
arises only when access PG-15 using JDBC.
JDBC connects to the database, but when trying to execute a
schema, it be to create a database or to create a tabelspace I get
this error :
StackTrace : [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@7a69b07
Message : ERROR: CREATE TABLESPACE cannot run inside a
transaction block
I have used the same algorithm, but now modify to accommodate PG-15, when using SQLite. So the JDBC code might not be the problem, but the requirements needed from PG-15.
Change of perspective, I resolved the concern!
Here is what changed the outcome :
--- snip ---
public void connectToDatabase() throws ClassNotFoundException,
SQLException {
try {
this.conn =
this.conn.setAutoCommit(true); //
game changer!!
this.pout("Connected to the PostgreSQL server,
this.stmt = this.conn.createStatement();
} catch (final SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw e;
All I had to do was to setAutoCommit to true, PG-15 set this value to false by default.
I hope my experience can help others.