On 7/10/23 11:15, Johnathan Tiamoh wrote:
I upgraded from postgresql 9.5 to 14.8. After the upgrade users were not
able to connect due to password hash.
The password encryption was on scram-sha-256. The password hash was on
md5. in the pg_hba.conf file the authentication method was md5. I do not
know why users could not connect because as per postgresql
documentation, that should work.
1) You are going to have to be more specific about where and what the
settings are or where for both Postgres versions and the *.conf files. So:
Postgres 9.5
password_encryption = ?
Provide the relevant lines
Postgres 14.8
password_encryption = ?
Provide the relevant lines
2) Provide the error messages received when trying to connect.
I have previously done a similar upgrade and did not face similar issues.
Kind regards
Johnathan Tiamoh
Adrian Klaver