Hello Julien,

I need some more help regarding replication.
Where Primary server can switch to Standby server role and stand by server can switch to Primary server role.

In our case we maintain two servers Server1 and Server2.. Server1 will be active and Server2 will be passive.
In case when Server1 is crashed Server2 will be active in result it starts Keyclock instance and keyclock will connect with Standby postgres server.
As per current replication steps, we found that Standby server will always be in read only mode. we want to switch it to r/w mode and primary to read only mode.
or even it is ok both primary and stand by will always be in read-write mode. but both should replicate data.
I searched so many option on internet but did not found exact one.. Will you please propose me some good solutions..
Proper steps should be appreciable..
On Mon, Jul 3, 2023 at 3:06 PM Julien Rouhaud <rjuju123@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 03, 2023 at 02:07:54PM +0530, Ashok Patil wrote:
> I am able to perform replication of a single machine where primary and
> stand-by are on same localhost..
> I think you are right.. it might be blocking the backup process by
> firewall..
> Just one signal question: is multi-master replication possible on Postgres?
> I searched on google.. but did not find a proper solution..
This is not possible with vanilla postgres. There are some commercial products
/ postgres forks that implement it, but I've never used them so I can't comment
on how well they work nor how much they cost.