I rewrite, and I think the [']([^']|\n)['] should be [']([^']|\n)+[']
Thanks very much!
Wen Yi.
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Tom Lane" <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Date: Sun, Jun 18, 2023 09:50 AM
To: "Wen Yi"<896634148@xxxxxx>;
Cc: "pgsql-general"<pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Subject: Re: Is there a way make the lex program match multiple line?
> Can someone give me some advice to make the ['].+['] match multiple string?
You should check the flex manual, but it's likely that "." doesn't
match newline. Another problem with this pattern is that "."
*does* match "'", so it's ambiguous what will happen with quotes.
You probably need something closer to [']([^']|\n)[']
regards, tom lane