psql (12.2 (Debian 12.2-2.pgdg100+1))After this command pgAdmin still shows revoke and grant commands for alekspoluh role. How to remove all grant and revoke assignments for role ?Please confirm that \dp public.kaspriv no longer shows an ACL for alekspoluh after running: REVOKE ALL ON public.kaspriv FROM alekspoluh;
Type "help" for help.
sba=# REVOKE ALL ON public.kaspriv FROM alekspoluh;
sba=# \o result.txt
sba=# \dp public.kaspriv
sba=# \q
#grep alekspoluh result.txt
Returns nothing. So output does not contain this role.
There must be something wrong with pgAdmin if it still shows REVOKE ALL for that role after its ACL is gone. Looking at the code, pgAdmin emits REVOKE ALL for any grantee it find in the ACL. https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/blob/REL-7_2/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/databases/schemas/tables/utils.py#L712
I re-opened pgadmin. alekspoluh role is no more displayed in kaspriv table sql window.
pgadmin shows only single reset role command. Now it shows
REVOKE ALL ON TABLE public.kaspriv FROM yllelohmus;
I ran
REVOKE ALL ON TABLE public.kaspriv FROM yllelohmus;
After that pgadmin shows next single revoke command:
REVOKE ALL ON TABLE public.kaspriv FROM villuuus;
It looks like pgAdmin shows only one REVOKE command but actually
there are more revokes.
Should I ran separate revoke commands for every user to remove those revokes ?
pgAdmin also shows about 100 grant commands for users like
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.kaspriv TO paide;
How to remove user-spefic grants ?