The whole command is:
psql %(pg_uri)s -c %(sql)s | %(sed)s | %(pv)s | %(split)s) 2>&1 | %(tr)s
sql is "copy (select row_to_json(x_tmp_uniq) from public.mytable x_tmp_uniq) to stdout"
sed, pv, split, tr together format and split the stdout into jsonl files.
Hope this helps.
On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 9:16 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 5/31/23 13:57, Lian Jiang wrote:
> The command is: psql $db_url -c "copy (select row_to_json(x_tmp_uniq)
> from public.mytable x_tmp_uniq) to stdout"
What is taking the stdout and what it is it doing?
> postgres version: 14.7
> Does this mean COPY and java CopyManager may not help since my psql
> command already uses copy?
> Regarding pg_dump, it does not support json format which means extra
> work is needed to convert the supported format to jsonl (or parquet) so
> that they can be imported into snowflake. Still exploring but want to
> call it out early. Maybe 'custom' format can be parquet?
> Thanks
> Lian
Adrian Klaver