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xlog flush request 0/215D32E4 is not satisfied

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Title: xlog flush request 0/215D32E4 is not satisfied

Can anyone help me with this problem; we are just about to go live (February 1), and all of a sudden our main database has an 'issue'.  I'd like to save the database if possible, if not, then I'll rebuild it from scratch which I absolutely don't want to do since it will take about a month of continuous work.

That said, I did a search on 'xlog flush request' and the only hits I got were on version 7.1, and I'm using 7.4.  In the other post, someone had run pg_resetxlog, but I remember seeing somewhere serious warnings against using that utility, especially if one runs it as root.  If I'm suggested to run it, should I run it as user postgres or myself?

I tried to do a 'pg_dump -d bwks > crash.dump' and got a failure.

Below please find the two different errors I get, the first is the 'xlog flush' error and below that is the 'pg_dump error'.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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bwks=# \d product
ERROR:  xlog flush request 0/215D32E4 is not satisfied --- flushed only to 0/15138F7C
CONTEXT:  writing block 4 of relation 17143/1682159
bwks=# select * from product;
 code | short_desc | unit_value | unit_price | eff_date | term_date | product_id | code_type_id | last_edit_user | last_edit_ts | ledger_column | patient_resp | voucher_item | description


(0 rows)

bwks=# \q


$ pg_dump -d bwks > 2005.dumpall.crash
pg_dump: SQL command failed
pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR:  xlog flush request 0/215D738C is not satisfied --- flushed only to 0/15138F7C

CONTEXT:  writing block 5 of relation 17143/1682159
pg_dump: The command was: SELECT (SELECT usename FROM pg_user WHERE usesysid = datdba) as dba, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) as encoding, datpath FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'bwks'

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