Hello my friends,
We are going to change some Oracle 8i and 9i databases to PostgreSQL 8 at my company.
1st: Is there somebody who knows how to do it (had the same experience)? What are the limitations of this process (eg: incompatible data types and objects).
2nd: Which tools are available to do it? I’ve seen one called SQL Fairy (http://sqlfairy.sourceforge.net/). Is this one the most recommended?
3rd: Is there a way to make both databases talk (such as creating a DBLink between two Oracle Databases)?
And finally, do you know a good comparison chart or benchmark between these two databases? A Brazilian university teacher made one (http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~celio/livrobd/docs/benchmark.html) but I’d like to see other comparsions like in real production databases.
C ya, Teolupus