On Sat, May 13, 2023 at 2:18 AM Andrew Gierth <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> "Durumdara" == Durumdara <durumdara@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
create table tmp_test_table(mmin,val)
as select o, v
from unnest(array[1,5,NULL,3,NULL,NULL,10,7,NULL,NULL,NULL,4])
with ordinality as u(v,o);
select * from tmp_test_table order by mmin;
That seems like a lot of work.
If you have ALL the values (no missing values) a simple CTE handles this:
SELECT mmin, value from tmp_test_table where mmin=1
SELECT t.mmin, COALESCE(t.value,r.value)
FROM tmp_test_table t, rec_cte r WHERE r.mmin=(t.mmin-1)
SELECT * from rec_cte order by mmin;