On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 7:04 AM Justin <zzzzz.graf@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 9:49 AM DAVID ROTH <adaptron@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:1) Can I create a trigger on a view?
2) Do triggers cascade?
Say I have an insert trigger on a table.And, I have an insert trigger on a view that references this tableIf I do an insert on the view, will both triggers fire?Can not have triggers on Views, Views use RULES which are DO INSTEAD.
Our users need not care or even know about this particular implementation detail of views. For them, views are a fundamental concept.
The description of create trigger makes is perfectly clear that views are a valid "table-like" target for a trigger.
> CREATE TRIGGER creates a new trigger. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER will either create a new trigger, or replace an existing trigger. The trigger will be associated with the specified table, view, or foreign table and will execute the specified function function_name when certain operations are performed on that table.
Depending on the view definition, the need for a trigger may be removed since some views are auto-updatable.
David J.