HI team,
I'm a newbie to the postgres.
When I learn the code of libpq, the achieve of PQmakeEmptyPGresult, cause my curiosity.
The old version code:
PQmakeEmptyPGresult(PGconn *conn, ExecStatusType status)
PGresult *result;
result = (PGresult *) malloc(sizeof(PGresult));
if (!result)
return NULL;
result->ntups = 0;
result->numAttributes = 0;
result->attDescs = NULL;
result->tuples = NULL;
result->tupArrSize = 0;
result->numParameters = 0;
result->paramDescs = NULL;
result->resultStatus = status;
result->cmdStatus[0] = '\0';
result->binary = 0;
result->events = NULL;
result->nEvents = 0;
result->errMsg = NULL;
result->errFields = NULL;
result->errQuery = NULL;
result->null_field[0] = '\0';
result->curBlock = NULL;
result->curOffset = 0;
result->spaceLeft = 0;
result->memorySize = sizeof(PGresult);
return result;
My version:
PQmakeEmptyPGresult(PGconn *conn, ExecStatusType status)
PGresult *result;
result = (PGresult *) calloc(sizeof(PGresult));
if (!result)
return NULL;
result->memorySize = sizeof(PGresult);
/* .............
return result;
Why not have a change?I don't know.
I'm a newbie, so I don't think I can commit a patch for postgres, just instead of send mail to ask.