On 4/9/23 19:16, Rob Sargent wrote:
On 4/9/23 19:55, Louis Tian wrote:
Hi Alban,
"I am not expecting an error here", by "here" I means when doing a
TRUE UPSERT (an upsert current does not exist in Postgres).
I am NOT referring to an "Insert on conflict do update" (which despite
its intention and wide acceptance is not fully equivalent to a true
I understand the error I am getting now is due to not null constraint
given how "insert on conflict" works.
An UPSERT checks whether a row exists, if so, it does an update, if
not it does an insert. This is the literal definition.
This the part that's always eluded me: How does the client, the
UPSERTer, come to hold an id and not know whether or not it's already in
the database.
My use case is for bulk loading data into a table I know has data that
will create a PK/Unique violation with the inserted data. It's a quick
and dirty way to avoid queries that look for potential violations ahead
of time, basically 'Ask forgiveness' vs 'Get permission'.
Adrian Klaver