On 4/6/23 18:27, Louis Tian wrote:
Hi Adrian,
Thank you. I think this is a better approach than trigger-based
solution, at least for my taste.
That being said, it does require some logic to push to the client side
(figuring out which required column value is missing and set it value to
the existing one via reference of the table name).
Still wish there would be UPSERT statement that can handle this and make
dev experience better.
Another way to make the experience easier:
alter table person alter COLUMN name set default 'cat';
\d person
Table "public.person"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null |
name | text | | not null | 'cat'::text
is_active | boolean | | |
select * from person;
id | name | is_active
0 | foo | NULL
insert into person(id, is_active) values (0, true) on conflict ("id")
do update set (id, is_active) = (excluded.id, excluded.is_active);
select * from person;
id | name | is_active
0 | foo | t
Louis Tian
Adrian Klaver