Joke's on me.
Here's the relevant part of the view
"Order Items"."ID" AS "OrderItemID",
(("Orders"."ID" || '-'::text) || "Order Items"."ID") AS "FileKey"
(("Orders"."ID" || '-'::text) || "Order Items"."ID") AS "FileKey"
Wait, then why are the Item IDs different?
Here are the results again, with the FileKey field expanded a bit.

On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 2:23 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 3/6/23 12:17, Brad White wrote:
> I was doing a SELECT * FROM view WHERE field LIKE pattern
> and getting garbage data back.
> Turns out it is filtering on a different field.
> As you can see here, when attempting to filter on the FileKey, it is
> actually filtering on the Order Item ID field.
> select "FileKey", "OrderItemID" from "vw_rptInvc_Permits"
> where "FileKey" LIKE '%1317'
> image.png
> I'm stumped. Any guesses?
What is the view definition?
Is there a table named vw_rptInvc_Permits?
Adrian Klaver