On Mon, 2023-02-27 at 06:28 +0000, Jan Bilek wrote: > Our customer was able to sneak in an Unicode data into a column of a JSON Type and now that record fails on select. > Would you be able to suggest any way out of this? E.g. finding infringing row, updating its data ... ? I'd be curious to know how the customer managed to do that. Perhaps there is a loophole in PostgreSQL that needs to be fixed. First, find the table that contains the column. Then you can try something like DO $$DECLARE pkey bigint; BEGIN FOR pkey IN SELECT id FROM jsontab LOOP BEGIN -- starts block with exception handler PERFORM jsoncol -> 'creationDateTime' FROM jsontab WHERE id = pkey; EXCEPTION WHEN untranslatable_character THEN RAISE NOTICE 'bad character in line with id = %', pkey; END; END LOOP; END;$$; Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com