Table source contains integer column. Its values should be passed to function for selecting data from other table.
I tried
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.TestAddAssetTransactions(dokumnrs int[])
with i1 as (
INSERT INTO bilkaib (dokumnr)
select dokumnr from dok where dokumnr in (select * from unnest(dokumnrs))
returning *
select count(*) from i1;
$BODY$ language sql;
create temp table bilkaib (dokumnr int ) on commit drop;
create temp table dok (dokumnr serial primary key ) on commit drop;
create temp table source (dokumnr int ) on commit drop;
insert into source values (1),(2);
select TestAddAssetTransactions( (select ARRAY[dokumnr] from source)::int[] )
but got error
> ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an _expression_
Em sáb., 11 de fev. de 2023 às 07:10, Andrus <kobruleht2@xxxxxx> escreveu:
Probably you want an array_agg and not an array
select TestAddAssetTransactions( (select array_agg(dokumnr) from source) )