On 2/7/23 17:23, David G. Johnston
Should the SET clause have a table alias at all? I get an error withOn Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 5:20 PM Brad White <b55white@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:For example, this is the literal code in VBA
Access: connection.Execute "UPDATE [" & strTable & "] SET [" & strTable & "].[InsertFlag] = Null" _& " WHERE ((([" & strTable & "].[InsertFlag])=" & lngCurrUID & "));", , adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecordsNote that InsertFlag is bracketed the same way in both instances.
PSQL: UPDATE "public"."Orders" SET InsertFlag=NULL WHERE ("InsertFlag" = 166 )Note that InsertFlag is quoted once but not the other time.Of course this gives the error: column "insertflag" of relation "Orders" does not exist at character 35.
Either VBA is doing some query munging or that concatenated string isn't the one that is producing the error. Which suggests that maybe you have a string somewhere that is not written correctly that need to be fixed so it doesn't produce this error.
David J.
update foo set foo.id = something;