On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 08:35:45PM -0800, Benjamin Smith wrote:Is there a way in PG 7.3, given a field, to find out what other tables & records are linked to it via a foreign key?
The pg_constraint table contains, among other things, foreign key constraints. By querying it and joining it with pg_attribute, pg_class, and pg_namespace, you could get a list of tables and columns that have foreign key constraints on the given table and column; from that you could build queries to find out which rows in those tables match the given value. You could wrap all this code in a set-returning function.
I just needed such a function yesterday, and wrote one. Here it is, use it for whatever you want ;-) create type foreignkey (, table_referenced as regclass, fields_referenced as varchar[], table_referencing as regclass, fields_referencing as varchar[] ) ;
create or replace function f_get_pks(regclass) returns foreignkey as ' select pg_constraint.confrelid::regclass as table_referenced, array(select pg_attribute.attname from pg_catalog.pg_attribute where pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and pg_attribute.attnum = ANY(pg_constraint.confkey) order by alienkey.f_array_pos( pg_constraint.confkey, pg_attribute.attnum ) )::varchar[] as fields_referenced, pg_constraint.conrelid::regclass as table_referencing, array(select pg_attribute.attname from pg_catalog.pg_attribute where pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and pg_attribute.attnum = ANY(pg_constraint.conkey) order by alienkey.f_array_pos( pg_constraint.confkey, pg_attribute.attnum ) )::varchar[] as fields_referencing from pg_catalog.pg_constraint where pg_constraint.confrelid = $1 and pg_constraint.contype = 'f' ' language 'sql' stable ;
Of course this could be a view too - just remove the where-clause containing "= $1", and wrap it in a create view statement.
greetings, Florian Pflug
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