The free version of Valentina Studio and DBeaver are the two I prefer....
If you use Postgis for spatial data, DBeaver understands geometry data & can display data on a simple map or as tabular output, with a built in Leaflet facility.
Brent Wood
From: Sacha Kerres
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2023 20:51
To: Giovanni Biscontini; pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re-2: New to PostgreSQL - looking for query writing tools
we use tools: Query, DBCompare, Data Compare, Automatic Tasks, Backup+Restore, etc...
There is a free version, but for professional work, you have to buy a license. But there is only a windows version.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sacha Kerres
Kerres-EDV Beratung
Deglhof 45-47
93142 Maxhütte-Haidhof
Tel. +49 9471 60 14 14
Mobil. +49 171 210 48 46
E-Mail. skerres@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Troy,
we both use pgAdmin4 and DBeaver ( Community version but mainly 'cos we need to get in control of other functions of the database server,
query is only a part of the job. Another interesting tool is Aquafold ( Aqua Data Studio is interesting
(only tested) but it's a bit pricey...
Hope it helps, bye Giovanni
Il giorno mer 1 feb 2023 alle ore 18:00 Robin Tang < robin@xxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
Good morning,
First of all, I am not a database professional. I work for a small company, and a portion of my job includes report writing (crystal, i-Net, etc), Excel analysis, etc. We recently migrated to a new ERP that runs on a PostgreSQL
database. Our previous system was on a MSSQL database. I have fairly basic experience writing SQL queries. In the past I would use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to help in writing my SQL queries (I’d use the diagram, criteria, and SQL panes) instead
of just writing SQL statements.
I’m looking for recommendations of tools that would work similar to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. So far I’ve played around with pgAdmin (doesn’t seem to have the same query writing abilities) and EMS SQL Query (seems more
cumbersome than the Microsoft tool). Are there any other tools I should be looking at for query writing help? I like to something visual and a grid to help write queries.
Any recommendations would be appreciated!
Cordiali Saluti
Dott. Giovanni Biscontini
[Divisone Software]
Str. Ponte Alto Sud, 74
41123 Modena (MO)
Phone: 059_452094
Fax: 059_8672171
E-mail: biscontini.g@xxxxxxxxx
Skype: g.biscontini.eurosystem2000
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To: biscontini.g@xxxxxxxxx
Brent Wood
Principal Technician - GIS and Spatial Data Management
Programme Leader - Environmental Information Delivery
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
301 Evans Bay Parade Hataitai Wellington New Zealand
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