The docs say that one of these are required in the SELECT list.
[ * | _expression_
[ [ AS ] output_name
] [, ...] ]
not mentioning anything also works, though acts
like COUNT(*).
test=# select * from sales_detail;
cust_id | order_ts | seq_no | inventory_id |
quantity | price | tax_rate
1 | 2020-01-05 13:05:42.567 | 1 | 12345 |
5.80 | 28.40 | 0.092
1 | 2020-01-05 13:05:42.567 | 2 | 23456 |
6.00 | 98.40 | 0.092
1 | 2020-01-05 13:05:42.567 | 3 | 34567 |
1.80 | 67.00 | 0.092
1 | 2020-01-05 13:05:42.567 | 4 | 45678 |
450.00 | 2.00 | 0.092
1 | 2020-02-05 13:05:42.567 | 1 | 6575 |
5.20 | 567.00 | 0.045
1 | 2020-02-05 13:05:42.567 | 2 | 4565 |
456.00 | 545.00 | 0.045
1 | 2020-02-05 13:05:42.567 | 3 | 7899 |
768.00 | 432.00 | 0.045
1 | 2020-02-05 13:05:42.567 | 4 | 2354 |
556.00 | 890.00 | 0.045
1 | 2020-03-05 13:05:42.567 | 1 | 6575 |
5.20 | 567.00 | 0.045
1 | 2020-03-05 13:05:42.567 | 2 | 4565 |
456.00 | 545.00 | 0.045
1 | 2020-03-05 13:05:42.567 | 3 | 7899 |
768.00 | 432.00 | 0.045
(11 rows)
test=# select from sales_detail;
(11 rows)
Is it interpreting the lack of column names, expressions or "*" as a
null _expression_?
We only noticed this when someone forgot to put an asterisk in a
psql query and thought something was broken. We expected psql to
throw a syntax error...
Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.