Hello, The source database in the 12.11 server shows this: $ psql -Ulbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1_dbo_u $DATABASE psql (12.11) Type "help" for help. lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1=> lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1=> \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-------------------------------+-------+---------------------------- dbo | accession_index | table | lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1_dbo_u dbo | acq_bind | table | lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1_dbo_u ... I dumped this with pg_dump $ pg_dump --file=dmp.gz --compress=9 --dbname=$DATABASE Created in the new server the database $ createdb -U lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1_dbo_u -T template0 lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1 and the role for thw user with CREATE ROLE lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1_dbo_u WITH SUPERUSER CREATEDB LOGIN PASSWORD 'xxxxxx' ; CREATE ROLE and loaded the dump with $ gzip -dc dmp.gz | psql -U lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1_dbo_u lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1 This all went fine. But when I now look into the database: $ psql -Ulbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1_dbo_u lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1 psql (15.1) Type "help" for help. lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1=# lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1=# \d Did not find any relations. lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1=# \d dbo.accession_index Table "dbo.accession_index" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ------------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------- iln | smallint | | not null | lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1=# select count(*) from counter; ERROR: relation "counter" does not exist LINE 1: select count(*) from counter; ^ lbs_lbsoclc01_dev_r1=# select count(*) from dbo.counter; count ------- 41 i.e. I have to specify the schema 'dbo' to access the tables. What I am missing here in this move? matthias -- Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045 Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub