From 2019, I've been using AlmaLinux from version 8.4 up to now version 8.7. This January, I've been trying to upgrade PostgreSQL from v14.6 to v15.1.
Error: Transaction test error: file /usr/lib/.build-id/a0/a43182caa55ed9d3562e2d9b74a1dda150e2c4 from install of ogr_fdw_15-1.1.3-1.rhel8.x86_64 conflicts with file from package ogr_fdw_14-1.1.3-1.rhel8.x86_64
May be someone here on this mailing-list have access to the package manager that build the ogr_fdw_14 and ogr_fdw_15 package, and release the package update to resolve the conflicted file, I'll be waiting for the package release update before I rollout the update to my production server.
Hello everyone,we're looking for a Open Source alternative to Rhel for our VM server dedicated to Postgresql (14->15) installations. We're testing Alma, Rocky, and Oracle distributions as they're compatible with Rhel package systems.Can you share your experience on a similar choice?Thanks in advance and best regards, Giovanni
Cordiali Saluti - Best Regards
Dott. Giovanni Biscontini
[Divisone Software]
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