> On Jan 27, 2023, at 13:01, Rumpi Gravenstein <rgravens@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > We are using the pg_indexes view (indexdef) to retrieve the index definition. This is as expected. Once the index is created on the partitioned set of tables, the index on the *root* table will be ON ONLY that table; the child tables appear separately: xof=# create table t (i bigint) partition by range(i); CREATE TABLE xof=# create table t001 partition of t for values from (1) to (2); CREATE TABLE xof=# create index on t(i); CREATE INDEX xof=# select * from pg_indexes where tablename = 't'; schemaname | tablename | indexname | tablespace | indexdef ------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------------------------------------------------- public | t | t_i_idx | | CREATE INDEX t_i_idx ON ONLY public.t USING btree (i) (1 row) xof=# select * from pg_indexes where tablename = 't001'; schemaname | tablename | indexname | tablespace | indexdef ------------+-----------+------------+------------+-------------------------------------------------------- public | t001 | t001_i_idx | | CREATE INDEX t001_i_idx ON public.t001 USING btree (i) (1 row)