tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx writes: Thanks, both, for the lightning-fast replies. Yes, I see it now. (I got myself confused about the requirements for using parentheses.) I should have slept on it before sending to the list. There's still a little snag though. I created a brand-new cluster (with bootstrap superuser called "postgres"), started a session as "postgres", and did this: create database d1; revoke all on database d1 from postgres; revoke all on database d1 from public; create database d2; revoke all on database d2 from postgres; create database d3; select datname::text as name, case when datacl is null then '<NULL>' else datacl::text end as datacl, (0::oid = any(select (aclexplode(datacl)).grantee))::text as "public has a priv" from pg_database where datname in ('d1', 'd2', 'd3') order by 1; It produced this result: name | datacl | public has a priv ------+----------------+------------------- d1 | {} | false d2 | {=Tc/postgres} | true d3 | <NULL> | false This seems to imply that this wording from "5.7. Privileges" ( is a little sketchy: « For other types of objects, the default privileges granted to PUBLIC are as follows: CONNECT and TEMPORARY (create temporary tables) privileges for databases… » The effect of a NULL "datacl" is as if CONNECT and TEMPORARY have been granted to public. But even so, these privileges are not shown to have been actually granted. In my test, I simply revoked "all" on "d2" from postgres. And this produced a not null "datacl" that did then show the documented default regime. The following test: create role r with login password 'p'; \c d1 r \c d2 r \c d3 r Showed that "public has a priv" (as I coded it) doesn't tell the whole story because "\c d3 r" (as well as "\c d2 r") succeeds. Of course, "\c d1 r" fails. I do see that, in a strict "legal sense", the doc that I quoted is not (quite) wrong. But to implement the test that I want robustly, I need to extend the logic thus: select datname::text from pg_database where 0::oid = any(select (aclexplode(datacl)).grantee) or datacl is null; That's easy if you know that you need to write this. But the need to do so seems to depend on pretty arcane knowledge that, as far as I can see, isn't documented. Anyway, my immediate requirement is solved. Thanks again! |