I've recently run into a weird issue that I'm trying to gather more data on before sending an official bug report on the off chance that it's already been addressed.
Within my schema there is a table that has a GENERATED ALWAYS column that calls a plpgsql function. The called function has a "row type" variable declared that references a view. While the schema itself functions properly day to day, and pg_dumpall works as expected, the generated SQL fails to successfully execute. The table in question is restored with no rows, and an error is generated during the COPY stating that the type does not exist.
The issue appears to be that the COPY statement for the data is trying to execute the function specified for the GENERATED ALWAYS column, and that function cannot run because the view that the function references does not yet exist.
The dump was made with: pg_dumpall -c --quote-all-identifiers --exclude-database=postgres --exclude-database=template0 --exclude-database=template1
Is this a known or unknown issue, or am I just missing something?
Any insight is appreciated. Please reply-all as I'm not currently subscribed to the list. Thanks in advance!