Is this to be expected ? PG 15.1 on Debian: gnumed_v22=# select *, pg_collation_actual_version(oid), pg_encoding_to_char(collencoding) from pg_collation where collname = 'zh_TW'; -[ RECORD 1 ]---------------+------------ oid | 12985 collname | zh_TW collnamespace | 11 collowner | 10 collprovider | c collisdeterministic | t collencoding | 4 collcollate | zh_TW.euctw collctype | zh_TW.euctw colliculocale | collversion | 2.35 pg_collation_actual_version | 2.36 pg_encoding_to_char | EUC_TW -[ RECORD 2 ]---------------+------------ oid | 12986 collname | zh_TW collnamespace | 11 collowner | 10 collprovider | c collisdeterministic | t collencoding | 6 collcollate | zh_TW.utf8 collctype | zh_TW.utf8 colliculocale | collversion | 2.36 pg_collation_actual_version | 2.36 pg_encoding_to_char | UTF8 gnumed_v22=# begin; BEGIN gnumed_v22=*# alter collation pg_catalog."zh_TW" refresh version ; NOTICE: version has not changed ALTER COLLATION gnumed_v22=*# alter collation pg_catalog."zh_TW.utf8" refresh version ; NOTICE: version has not changed ALTER COLLATION gnumed_v22=*# alter collation pg_catalog."zh_TW.euctw" refresh version ; ERROR: collation "pg_catalog.zh_TW.euctw" for encoding "UTF8" does not exist gnumed_v22=!# As far as I can tell the documentation asserts that since the database encoding is UTF8 the pg_catalog."zh_TW.euctw" will be ignored by the server for all practical purposes. Does this mean it is impossible to "correct" its version information ? And if so, that is expected to be non-harmful and is not expected to trigger nag messages ? Thanks, Karsten -- GPG 40BE 5B0E C98E 1713 AFA6 5BC0 3BEA AC80 7D4F C89B