Hi David,
This is specifically what I'm seeing:
drps=> \c
psql (12.11, server 12.9)
You are now connected to database "drps" as user "drps".
psql (12.11, server 12.9)
You are now connected to database "drps" as user "drps".
drps=> show search_path;
"$user", public, event
(1 row)
"$user", public, event
(1 row)
drps=> select viewowner, schemaname, viewname from pg_views where viewname = 'platform_version_v';
viewowner | schemaname | viewname
drps | event | platform_version_v
(1 row)
drps=> select * from information_schema.view_table_usage where view_name = 'platform_version_v';
view_catalog | view_schema | view_name | table_catalog | table_schema | table_name
(0 rows)
viewowner | schemaname | viewname
drps | event | platform_version_v
(1 row)
drps=> select * from information_schema.view_table_usage where view_name = 'platform_version_v';
view_catalog | view_schema | view_name | table_catalog | table_schema | table_name
(0 rows)
The event.platform_version_v doesn't show up when querying the view_table_usage view. All other views in the event schema are present when querying that view. For example:
view_catalog | view_schema | view_name | table_catalog | table_schema | table_name
drps | event | tv_lineup_v | drps | event | tv_lineup
I'll take a look at the VTU view's DDL and see what else I can find.
On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 3:15 PM David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 1:52 PM Jonathan Lemig <jtlemig@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Has anybody ever encountered this, and if so, did you find a resolution? Or perhaps there other limitations with the VTU that I'm unaware of?Well, the query itself is available in the source code if you want to experiment on your own. Otherwise, I suggest you produce a self-contained example that fails to produce one or more rows in view_table_usage that you believe should be present. Whether it is a bug report or trying to point out what you are misunderstanding, diagnosing this situation with the information you've provided is not a productive activity.David J.