Thank you so much Ivan, it worked!
ср, 30 нояб. 2022 г. в 00:22, Ivan Panchenko <i.panchenko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Vadim,
On 29.11.2022 19:39, Вадим Самохин wrote:
Hi there,I have polygons in a table and I'm fetching those that contain a specific point. The problem is that when I'm checking against a point which is really close (~5 meters) but is not contained within a polygon, it gets fetched nevertheless.
Steps to reproduce:1.create table zones (
zone_id int,
zone_polygon polygon,
description text
create index zones__zone_polygon on zones using gist(zone_polygon poly_ops);
2. insert into zones (zone_polygon) values ('(37.6040241,55.7609641),(37.6240129,55.7519367),(37.6215344,55.7536616),(37.6172064,55.7559509),(37.6126178,55.7584013),(37.6088694,55.7622611),(37.60747,55.7633072),(37.6040241,55.7609641)');
3. Here is this polygon on a map:
4. Check whether a point is contained within a polygon: select count(1) from zones where zone_polygon @> '(37.617635,55.755814)'::polygon;
(1 row)
5. But actually it's not (sorry, couldn't find a way to represent this point on the same map. Use street view, it's more convenient to see that):
First of all, you could reduce your large example to a smaller one:
select '(37.6220129,55.7519367),(37.6215344,55.7536616),(37.6172064,55.7559509),(37.6220129,55.7519367)'::polygon @> '(37.617900,55.755814)'::point;
6. Just in case, here are the images.The polygon:
And the point:
gnuplot could be used for easier visualization.
Am I doing anything wrong? Any idea how to fix that?
The problem is that the geometric comparison operations are "fuzzy", see here
I can recommend you either multiply your coordinates by 10000 or rebuild Postgres with EPSILON = 0.Regards,