On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 9:32 PM Andres Freund <andres@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2022-11-23 20:55:18 -0500, Kirk Wolak wrote:
> Currently I have a lot of it working, but I need to partner up with some of
> the meson guys...
> if it is already close to working, a couple of my tweaks could accelerate
> it.
I just successfully compiled postgres with meson and readline, using msvc,
only tweaking psql_completion() contents.
The readline I used for building with msvc is from
vcpkg.exe install --triplet x64-windows readline-win32 pkgconf
# when running tests, the readline dll needs to be somewhere in PATH
Andres Freund
Thank you for this. I Will dig into it.
A note on using readline.dll... We have to be careful, this was one of the issues I had.
Readline uses it's own xmalloc() to allocate the line, and in our mainloop, we get that as "line",
and then we call free(line); which triggered Assertion Failures. I've always thought it was not a
great pattern to allocate inside the DLL and free inside the application, unless you can
make sure you use the DLL to also do the free.
I think it would be easy to be mismatched.
Regards Kirk