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replication phisical + logical

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Hello everyone, 
 on postgresql 14.5 is possible an architecture where:
master1 is in physical replication with replica1 and replica2 and replica2 is in logical selective replication with master2?
Where on master2 I have db1 who's from logical replication from replica2 and db2 who lives of he's own life and must be enabled to writes.

The goal is to set up a preproduction server (master2) where db1 is feeded (maybe at regular times) from a production replica.

I considered pgbackrest to derive master2 from a backup of master1 but even if I restore selectively with
option than the whole master2 is restored: so db2 is removed as template0, template1 and postgres system db are replaced from restore command.

Alternative suggestions' will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance and best regards,                

 Dott. Giovanni Biscontini

 [Divisone Software]





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