Thanks, the wal_sender_timeout setting was the culprit!
A bit hard to find that it influences a ping at half its interval time though.
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Helmut Gessler,
Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Gessler Gerichtsstand: Offenbach/Main, Amtsgericht Offenbach HRB 20857 USt.-IdNr.: DE 113 551 141 Sparkasse Dieburg, IBAN DE94 5085 2651 0057 0025 03, SWIFT HELADEF1DIE Diese E-Mail enthaelt vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich geschuetzte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrtuemlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und vernichten Sie diese Mail. Das unerlaubte Kopieren sowie die unbefugte Weitergabe dieser Mail und/oder der Inhalte dieser Mail ist nicht gestattet. This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorised copying, disclosure or distribution of the material of this e-mail is strictly forbidden. Von: Kyotaro Horiguchi <>
Gesendet: Montag, 7. November 2022 06:21 An: Sascha Zenglein <zenglein@xxxxxxxxxx> Cc: simon.riggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <simon.riggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Betreff: Re: AW: Reducing bandwidth usage of database replication At Fri, 4 Nov 2022 09:25:44 +0000, Sascha Zenglein <zenglein@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
> I have set the status interval to 600s and it still sends a status message every 30s. > I also tried setting every available option higher, with no success: I guess you are not setting wal_sender_timeout on the primary side. Status messages are also sent in response to sender pings that is controlled by that variable. Wal sender sends a ping after a half of that setting since the last status message to request walreceiver to send a response. > checkpoint_warning = 93s > max_standby_streaming_delay = 130s > max_standby_archive_delay = 45s > wal_receiver_status_interval = 600s > wal_receiver_timeout = 1200s > wal_receiver_timeout = 65s > recovery_min_apply_delay = 600s > > The random values were to see which setting is limiting if I got above the 30s limit. regards. -- Kyotaro Horiguchi NTT Open Source Software Center |