I have a table with 500,000 records which has some invalid records, I had wrote a program to check it, by the program I get all OIDs of the redundant records, so I use "delete from tableXXX where oid =XXX1 or oid =XXX2 or oid =XXX3 ... or oid=XXX1000, but it take me a long time to complete this action, then I change the query to " delete from tableXXX where oid in (XXX1,XXX2,XXX3,....X1000) ", but I got same result, does anyone can tell me the reason or postgresql has a bad performance in such situation. Thanks for help ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zhou.daojing on 2005/01/24 Email: yourfriend@xxxxxxxxxxxx Tel: 0551-5338001 Fax: 0551-5319984 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend