I have dropped the function on all databases on version 12,but while upgrading I am still getting the same error
On Sat, 29 Oct, 2022, 7:56 pm Imre Samu, <pella.samu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ERROR: could not find function "pl_profiler_enable" in filemaybe obsolete function?-- Drop obsolete function
DROP FUNCTION pl_profiler_enable(bool);Regards,Imreshashidhar Reddy <shashidharreddy001@xxxxxxxxx> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. okt. 29., Szo, 13:40):I am getting below error while upgrading postgres from version 12 to 13 and not sure how to enable the function before upgrading the cluster. Can you please help me to resolve this.error: could not execute query: ERROR: could not find function "pl_profiler_enable" in file
Command was: CREATE FUNCTION "public"."pl_profiler_enable"("enabled" boolean) RETURNS boolean
AS '$libdir/plprofiler', 'pl_profiler_enable';Shashidhar