chris navarroza <> writes: > bash-4.4$ /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_upgrade > --old-datadir=/home/dmartuser/pgdata/data/ > --new-datadir=/home/dmartuser/pgdata/data/ --old-bindir=/usr/pgsql-12/bin/ > --new-bindir=/usr/pgsql-14/bin/ --check --verbose > Running in verbose mode > Performing Consistency Checks > ----------------------------- > Checking cluster versions > This utility can only upgrade to PostgreSQL version 14. You cannot use the same directory as --old-datadir and --new-datadir. I think pg_upgrade is unhappy because what it sees in PG_VERSION in the --new-datadir isn't v14 ... but I wonder if we shouldn't be checking for this mistake more directly. Anyway, the right way to proceed is to use v14's initdb to create a new directory at, say, /home/dmartuser/pgdata/data-14 and then pg_upgrade to that. Afterwards you can rename the old data directory out of the way and move the new one to /home/dmartuser/pgdata/data, if you like. regards, tom lane