On my Windows 10 with PostgreSQL 15, I try to create a database with LATIN9 encoding (for testing purpose), but I have only the choice to select the C, POSIX and English_United States.1252 collations...
C and POSIX are compatible with LATIN9, but SQL functions like UPPER() fail.
English_United States.1252 is not compatible with LATIN9.
I do not want to use WIN1252 encoding, I must use LATIN9 because it's for QA tests and my programs need LATIN9 (comes from Linux)
Do I have to create/install more locales on this PostgreSQL 15 / Windows installation?
I wonder... I while ago with PostgreSQL 13 I have created a DB with LATIN9 on this machine.
I must be missing something, can't remember how I did that.
Can someone point me to the doc page where I can find related info?