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Re: Postgres 15 upgrades and template1 public schema

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On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 23:30:58 +0200,
 Thomas Kellerer <shammat@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Bruno Wolff III schrieb am 19.10.2022 um 22:36:
I noticed when I did an upgrade from Postgres 14 to 15 that the
public schema in template1 was still owned by postgres instead of
pg_database_owner. I was expecting it to change because the release
notes said that new database clusters would have that. But shouldn't
new clusters use what is set in template1?
This is explained in the release notes:

 The change applies to new database clusters and to newly-created
 databases in existing clusters.
 Upgrading a cluster or restoring a database dump will preserve
 public's existing permissions.
How do new databases in pre-existing clusters get the new public schema 
security if it doesn't come from template1?

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