> On 21/09/2022 15:34 CEST Thomas, Richard <richard.thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I’m trying to download the Windows x64 binaries only for PostgreSQL 10.22 in order to perform a minor upgrade. However, the download (postgresql-10.22-1-windows-x64-binaries.zip) from my usual go-to place: (https://www.enterprisedb.com/download-postgresql-binaries) gives me a file that Windows zip declares invalid. There's already a thread on that issue: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/CA%2BRCjaw%3DGH-Lyxe5%3D5-un6sQjO-cQjhTeBDomiXoWQDrvVYwxA%40mail.gmail.com -- Erik