David Garamond wrote:
Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Well that isnt exactly true. EXT3 is a bolt on to EXT2 which was always
there. Reiser is also a long time kernel at least from 2.2.
I remember first using reiser3 by patching early 2.4 kernels. IIRC, reiser was not in linus tree until 2.4.7 or so (not sure which release) and it went in after a great debate/controversy.
So I don't think reiser is available in 2.2.
O.k. did some research and it appears that Reiser may have been available as of 2.4.1:
Which was still along time ago :) and considering how borked the Linus tree was in 2.4 until about 2.4.18 which was
18 months after release... I think still matches my not always a technical reason comment in this thread ;)
Joshua D. Drake
XFS is also a long time Linux supporter and its inclusion into the main tree had nothing to do with quality.
-- dave
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