On 5/23/22 11:04 AM, Rob Sargent wrote:
Thanks Adrian. There's enough wiggle room in there for me to at least
try the restore. Linus file command tells me
db.dump: PostgreSQL custom database dump - v1.13-0
pg_restore -l <custom_format_file>
command will show the relevant information at top of file so:
pg_restore -l pg14_test.out > toc.txt
head -n 15 toc.txt
; Archive created at 2022-05-23 10:24:23 PDT
; dbname: test
; TOC Entries: 745
; Compression: -1
; Dump Version: 1.14-0
; Format: CUSTOM
; Integer: 4 bytes
; Offset: 8 bytes
; Dumped from database version: 14.2
; Dumped by pg_dump version: 14.2
; Selected TOC Entries:
That dump was from a version 10 server. Any guess at how that "v1.13-0"
relates to the server version? Dumps from the current pg14 server say
"v1.14-0" so it looks to me like the dumps were done with v13
pg-restore. This surprises me, but I do not manage the server. Maybe
my dump file doesn't have anything pg14 restore can't handle.. we'll see
I have abused this on occasion and succeeded, though sometimes it
involves some tweaks.
Thanks again, all.
Adrian Klaver