On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 3:33 PM Robert Stanford <rstanford@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--insert statement as single transaction returning contactidINSERT INTO contact(
firstname, lastname)
VALUES('John', 'Smith');
INSERT INTO contactinterests(
contactid, interest)
VALUES (currval('contact_contactid_seq'),'Fishing')returning currval('contact_contactid_seq');Which is very nice as it gives us back the contactid.Is it possible to get similar functionality using gen_random_uuid() or uuid-ossp?
You basically have to use "INSERT ... RETURNING" or variables. Which/how depends on the language you are writing in. Pure SQL without client involvement requires that you use chained CTEs of INSERT...RETURNING (or I suppose you could leverage set_config(), haven't tried that way myself). In pl/pgsql you can also use variables, and the same goes for psql - though that requires client involvement and so isn't generally that great a choice.
David J.