On 4/18/22 21:41, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
Dear Adrian,
If we set parameter *"PG-WAL = replica"* in PG13 conf file , there is
any issue in replication through PG_WAL and pg_log_archive log.
In versions of Postgres from 9.6+ your setting of hot_standby is mapped
to the replica setting so it is really not a change. In other words the
hot_standby setting = replica setting as of 9.6. I made the suggestion
to change just so the conf setting matches the choices in current
documentation. Less confusion for someone looking through the
postgresql.conf file and then looking up the values in the documentation.
As to your replication is that binary replication or logical replication?
Also you have not said where you are measuring the size growth in WAL files?
Ram Pratap.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ram Pratap Maurya
Sent: 19 April 2022 09:00
To: Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>; pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Manu Saxena <manu.saxena@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Huge archive log generate in Postgresql-13
Dear Adrian,
We have two replica system one is Slave and other id DR server .
Salve server replicate from PG_WAL and DR system replicate from
Can you please suggest what changes need to required in PG13 conf file.
Ram Pratap.
-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Klaver [mailto:adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 18 April 2022 21:30
To: Ram Pratap Maurya <ram.maurya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:ram.maurya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>; pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Manu Saxena <manu.saxena@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Huge archive log generate in Postgresql-13
On 4/18/22 04:34, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
> Hi Support,
> We have upgraded postgresql DB from version 11 to 13 . after upgrade
> to
> 13 huge archive log generate in system .
> Before upgrade per day 120GB to 150 GB log generated but after
> upgrade per day approx. 250 to 300 GB log generated.
Where are you measuring this in the WAL directory or the archive directory?
Do you have replication set up from this server and if so what type?
FYI, the wal_level setting of hot_standby is deprecated and maps to
replica since version 9.6. At some point you might want to change to
match current documentation.
> Can you please suggest why huge archive log generated after upgrade
> there any configure setting or this is Postgresql-13 behaviour.
> Postgresql-13 Postgresql conf file attached for your references.
> Regards,
> Ram Pratap.
Adrian Klaver
adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Adrian Klaver