On Tue, 2022-03-08 at 17:44 +0800, BeginnerC wrote: > When I start to learn the 'pg_ctl', > the bash echo 'pg_ctl: command not found...' and then print 'Install package 'postgresql-server' to provide command 'pg_ctl'? [N/y]' > I am confused because I had already install the PostgreSQL correctly just follow the postgres Document, > to prove that,I use the psql to connect to the postgres and execute some sql statements > (Just like 'CREATE TABLE', 'SELECT' and 'INSERT'),and these statements executed successfully. > So how to solve this problem? Should I use the dnf to install the 'postgresql-server' or just add some path to the environment variable? > My system is Fedora 35 and the PostgreSQL version is 14. Ignore the overly helpful prompt to install PostgreSQL packages from your Linux distribution. Your only problem is that /usr/pgsql-14/bin is not in your PATH environment variable. Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com