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On Monday, March 7, 2022, 05:36:34 AM GMT+13, Susan Hurst <susan.hurst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Let say that I have a database named stp. I also have another database
named geo that is a PostGIS database for storing geopolitical and
geospatial data. I want to set up a foreign data wrapper in stp to
connect to geo, so that for each address in stp, I only have to store
the primary key value of the lowest level geo unit, such as a city. I
can always display the city's county, state, country, whatever in views
in stp. I plan to have other databases that need geo data so I want a
single source of truth for geopolitical and geospatial data.
My questions are:
1. Do I have to install PostGIS in stp?....or is it sufficient to
install PostGIS only in geo?
If you want to use Postgis functions & datatypes in stp you will need Postgis there
2. Do I need the postgis extension in stp? (I'm thinking yes, but I
don't want to guess.)
Isn't this the same as (1) above? (Postgis is installed via "create extension postgis;")
3. I want to geocode addresses in stp. Do I need to install any
geocoding software in stp?...or can it be used from geo?
If you can geocode in geo & access the resulting data via fdw in stp, you should not need geocoding tools in stp.
If you need to access spatial data from geo in stp & geocode in stp, you will need the geocoding tools in stp.
Thanks for your help!
Susan E Hurst
Mobile: 314-486-3261