There is a method of simulating SQL Server by using PostgreSQL. The extension is called "Babelfish": https://babelfishpg.org/
However, this extension requires modifications to the PostgreSQL
source and building the PostgreSQL with Babelfish modifications
from source. While it is a rather seamless process and goes on
without much trouble, it is still much more complicated than
installing the RPM or DEB packages, depending on your Linux distro
of choice. Is there any chance that the Babelfish modifications
will be adopted in the PostgreSQL source proper? From my DBA point
of view, I didn't find any differences in the functionality of the
PostgreSQL database itself. Amazon RDS incorporates that
modification and allows creating Aurora PostgreSQL database with
the Babelfish extension from the menu.
-- Mladen Gogala Database Consultant Tel: (347) 321-1217 https://dbwhisperer.wordpress.com