What i am trying to do is to update a field based on a sql queryset notes='hello' is just being used as a test but i can not seem to make this simple update work Michael Fuhr wrote: On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 03:45:53PM +1100, Jamie Deppeler wrote:Think im doing something wrong here, cant seem to resolve the problem i have a trigger which is calling a update function and when it gets to a update it goes into a infinite looprecursion, noun. See recursion.CREATE TRIGGER "new_trigger" AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON "chargeratetest" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "chargeratetest"(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "chargeratetest" () RETURNS trigger AS' begin UPDATE chargeratetest set notes=''hello'' where new."primary" = chargeratetest."primary";The trigger says to call the function after every insert or update on the table. Suppose you insert a record into the table. The trigger calls the function and the function executes UPDATE. The update causes the trigger to call the function, which executes UPDATE so the trigger calls the function, which executes UPDATE so the trigger calls the function, and so on. Infinite recursion. What are you trying to do? What's the trigger's purpose?return null; end; 'LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE CALLED ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER;A function that has side effects like updating a table should be VOLATILE, not IMMUTABLE. |